Wednesday, January 7, 2009

How to Monetize your Blog

I have been looking for ways to monetize my blogs and websites . After all affiliate and PPC advertising are proven to generate more income than a HBB selling products alone. Fortuneately I came accross a blog by Steve Pavlina ( ) . He gives concrete , none of that buy my e-book to get the whole story , help for people looking to make money letimately from the internet .
The whole article by Steve, over 7000 words, isn't a page tuner by any means but , if you are serious about learning to monetize a blog his blog is a must read.

Along with lots of other tips and solid advice Steve made a list of sorts, of the tools you'll need to be more web savvy , and hopefully convert that savvy into money . If you are ready to study up to power up your blogging profits start by learning the concepts and skills on Steve's list below.

blog publishing software
blog comments (and comment spam)
feed aggregators
full vs. partial feeds
blog carnivals (for kick-starting your blog’s traffic)
search engines
search engine optimization (SEO)
page rank
social bookmarking
contextual advertising
affiliate programs
traffic statistics
Optional: podcasting, instant messaging, PHP or other web scripting languages.

I am a new Steve Pavlina fan , and not for his writting style . Steve makes $1000 a day from his blog and I can't imagine what he makes from consulting others looking to improve their blogging profits. The good news is you don't have to pay a dime to tap into Steve's fountain of blog monetizing information . Just set aside an hour or 2 a day and visit steve at , or read the full article here
If you're looking to start , looking to better, or looking to share your Home Based Business , you're in the right place !

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